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All Posts in Category: Health Basics

Know Your Skeleton

You may know that your skeleton consists of a number of bones, big and small. However, did you know that your skeleton is divided into two distinct parts?


Human skeletons are divided into the “axial” and the “appendicular” skeletal components. The axial skeleton is made up of the bones being situated along the central axis of your body such as your skull, vertebrae, pelvis and ribs. On the other hand, the appendicular skeleton consists of the remaining bones such as your limbs and scapulae. 


Generally speaking, the bones of the axial skeleton are primarily involved in body support and protection of the brain, organs and spinal cord. Complementarily, the bones of the appendicular skeleton are primarily involved in locomotion (i.e. “movement”) and manipulation of environmental elements (for example, picking up an object). These distinct skeletal parts work together to allow you to live your life as you do.


Now you know a little more about your body!


Should you have any questions regarding your bones and joints, our treatment staff is ready to answer your questions. To book your next appointment you can contact us directly or book online today!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Bone Bruise


Bones can bruise?!?


A “bone bruise” (a.k.a. “bone contusion”) is a relatively common injury, particularly in athletes. In order to explain how a bone can bruise, let’s talk about some anatomy first. “Periosteum” is a membranous tissue that surrounds bones, excluding the articular (i.e. “joint”) surfaces. You can think of periosteum as a type of bone “skin”. In the event of a trauma to a bone, for example, a force received while participating in a contact sport, the periosteum can be injured. This injury would result in the development of a “bone bruise”. 


Bone bruises are not overt fractures of a bone but nonetheless, they can be quite painful. A diagnosis can generally be made through a detailed history and physical examination, not necessitating the use of special imaging or tests such as x-ray, CT and MRI scans. Conservative treatment from manual therapists such as from Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Registered Massage Therapists and Fascial Stretch Therapists can help reduce pain, provide range of motion support and dispense the appropriate rehabilitation for proper recovery.


If you believe you may be suffering from a bone bruise, contact our office or book online in order to secure your next appointment today!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Battle Sign

“Battle Sign” is a visual sign from a severe trauma to the skull resulting in a fracture and should not be taken lightly!


“Battle Sign” is the result of a “basilar skull fracture” or “basal fracture” (i.e. fracture of a skull at its base). Fractures of the skull at its base can include fracture of the bone behind the ears, at the base of the nose/nasal area and close to the spine. Basilar skull fractures are considered not only one of the most common but also one of the most severe types of fracture to the human skull. Trauma resulting in fracture of the aforementioned structures can place neurological and vascular tissue in the area at risk for injury which is why this type of fracture is considered a medical emergency! 


One of the most apparent signs of a basilar skull fracture is the presence of distinct and severe bruising along the entire backside of the ears and possibly extending to the neck/cervical spine region. This is referred to as “Battle Sign”. Occasionally, individuals with Battle Sign may also present with “raccoon eyes” (i.e. bruising around the eyes).  Additional signs related to Battle Sign can also include but are not limited to:  clear fluid draining from the nose and/or ears, headache, dizziness and blurred vision. Due to its presentation, Battle Sign is often confused for a harmless bruise but, unlike a common bruise, it will not fade over time without other symptoms. Following a head trauma, Battle Sign may take a few days to present. One of the differentiating factors regarding the presentation of Battle Sign is that it appears at an area not directly related to the sight of injury, like a traditional bruise. The head trauma involved in producing Battle Sign can include sports, car accidents, falling off a bike without a helmet, motorcycle accidents as well as falls. These types of activities are very common in the spring and summer months and as such, we need to be very vigilant about the risk of head trauma and the presentation of Battle Sign.  


Due to the risk of serious and possibly permanent neurological compromise, a suspected head injury resulting in Battle Sign warrants an immediate referral to the Emergency Room of a Hospital for assessment, treatment and monitoring. Proactively, this spring or summer, if you should be playing contact sports, riding a bike or operating a motorcycle, wearing a protective helmet is key to your safety!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Tech and Neck Pain

Our modern digital age has brought many conveniences. Smartphones, tablets, and e-readers make it possible for you to communicate or be entertained with the push of a button. While technology can improve your quality of life it comes with a price: being huddled over your devices for long periods of time can do more harm than good. Using certain devices for extended periods of time can easily lead to neck strain, headaches, as well as pain in your shoulders, arms and hands. If you’ve used a smartphone or tablet for an extensive length of time, you’ve probably experienced the strain it puts on your upper body These conditions even have their own name: “Text Neck”.


Four Strategies to Help You Avoid Text Neck Strain:


  1. Take frequent breaks:

Take frequent breaks and look up from your device to give your neck some relief from the pressure of looking down.


  1. Sit up straight:

It’s important to sit up straight while texting. This way, you can maintain good posture, relieving

your back and shoulders from the strain of being hunched over.


  1. Hold your phone a little higher:

Holding a phone closer to eye level helps maintain a healthy posture and puts less strain on your neck. Consider using a stand for devices, even periodically, to change the way that you hold and look at your device


  1. Stretch:

Be sure to stretch often between long periods of extended use of electronic devices. Put your hands at your sides and rotate your shoulders to relieve tension. You can also tuck your chin down to your neck and then look up. This action helps relieve some of the tension built up in your neck due to the forward-down position we often adopt when looking at our device.


If you experience pain from device use, consult a Chiropractor to assess your specific needs.  A Chiropractor can also develop a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Author:  Dr. Marco De Ciantis, D.C.

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Pandemic Fitness

Finding time for Fitness during a Pandemic


How do you find time for fitness when so many things are competing for your attention? It’s a

common problem. The good news is that as little as 15 minutes a day can start a fitness habit

and deliver health benefits! A study conducted over a span of 12 years has demonstrated that as little as 15 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a day can increase life expectancy. Every additional 15 minutes of exercise performed daily can further improve the health outlook of the participants in this study.


Try these tips to fit 15 minutes of exercise into your day:


Pick a time of day that works for you and stick with that time for fitness.

Perhaps it is first thing in the morning, during a break at work or in the evening after dinner. Think of it as a part of your regular daily routine. Treat fitness like showering in the morning or

brushing your teeth before bedtime.


Do something you enjoy!

People tend to make time for things they like. A brisk walk outside, a video exergame, a dance

workout to your favourite music, a simple stretch-and-strengthen routine you can do with one

eye on your favourite TV program – they all qualify.


Expensive gyms need not apply!

Some great no cost activities include cardio, strength exercises and flexibility stretches. It’s

important to vary these activities.


Why cardio, strength and flexibility activities?

Cardio activities are good for your heart, lungs and circulatory system. And moving your body

feels great. To get started, walking is the simplest cardio activity you can do. Strength exercises, such as biceps curls and pelvic lifts, focus on your muscles. Muscles help support all the joints in your body and your movement. Flexibility stretches are all about keeping you limber for bending, reaching and turning with ease. Most people don’t stretch their muscles enough and wonder why they feel stiff and sore.


Remember the benefits.

We make time for things we know will reward us. The rewards of physical activity are numerous.

Regular exercise can reduce stress, improve our energy level, improve your strength and

flexibility. Also, regular exercise can simply make you feel good about doing something for



Fifteen minutes a day can be the beginning of a habit that can grow and help you achieve your

fitness goals. You’ll feel good about fitting it in and that’s an important factor in your overall

health. Keeping active will help improve your physical health, increase energy and put a smile on your face. And once 15-minute activities become a habit – and they will in almost no time – you may want to schedule even more move-your-body time into your day. Check out the Activity Guide website at

Author:  Dr. Marco De Ciantis, D.C.


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Achilles Tendon

What is the Achilles tendon?


At all Sports Specialist Rehab Centre locations, our staff frequently diagnose and treat Achilles tendon injuries. While injury to the Achilles tendon may be quite common, with questioning, even though our patients may be aware of where the Achilles tendon is located, few are aware or understand what the Achilles tendon is.


A tendon is connective tissue that attaches a muscle or group of muscles to a bone.  When a muscle contracts, the tendon pulls on the bone it attaches to and subsequently moves the bone resulting in joint motion.  


The Achilles tendon is the tissue formed from the union of tendons from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. These muscles primarily make up the “calf” muscle (located in the back part of the lower leg just below the knee). The Achilles forms just above half way down the back part of the lower leg and attaches to the calcaneus (i.e. “heel bone”).  As such, with contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, the Achilles can drive the foot into a toe pointed down (i.e. “plantar flexion”) motion. In about 7%-20% of the population, individuals can have an “accessory” or additional muscle called the plantaris muscle. While the tendon of the plantaris muscle binds to the calcaneus as well, it may or may not be part of the Achilles tendon proper in these individuals.


If you have any questions regarding the Achilles tendon or believe that you may have injured it, please contact our head office today or book on-line in order to secure your assessment from one of our amazing staff!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Any Space, Anytime Exercises


With the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic, most fitness centres across the country have been forced to temporarily shut down. These include yoga studios as well as specialized training centres for professional athletes. As such, many of us have turned to training and working out at home and outside, with the goal to achieve the same level of fitness success as prior to COVID-19. This, however, may increase the risk of injury due to a lack of supervision and unfamiliarity with the use of new space.


Exercising at Home


Here are some things to consider:


Footwear: Make sure your choice of footwear is tailored to the type of exercise you’re performing in order to prevent slips and falls. You should either be wearing shoes or be barefoot if you’re using a mat.


Space: Make sure the space around you is clear of objects you can trip on, such as toys.


Props: Use proper household items to substitute for weights and dumbbells.


Stools and benches: If using a stool or bench for support during your workout, make sure that it is stable and has a wide base of support.


Exercising outside


No equipment, no problem. As not everyone has access to a home gym or gym equipment, there are many household items that you can use to substitute for kettle bells, weights and dumbbells to get an effective workout.


Mobility drills


While exercising safely is important, it’s equally crucial to perform a few stretches before and after a workout. A great way to build a comprehensive exercise regime is to incorporate mobility drills that can help manage pain and reduce the risk of injury. Here are two examples of excellent mobility drills:


Drill #1: Active hip flexor mobility

Begin in a split kneeling stance with the legs bent to roughly 90 degrees. Staying tall, squeeze your glute muscles and lean forward until you feel a stretch on the front of your hip. Move in and out of the stretch repeatedly. To increase the challenge of the stretch, you can bend the back leg and hold it with your hand. This is a great exercise for improving hip mobility and may even help those with back pain.


Drill #2: Active shoulder mobility

Lie on your back on the ground or foam roller. Using a band or towel in your hands, pull it apart to create a light tension. While maintaining tension, slowly bring your arms overhead until you feel a stretch in your shoulders or chest, neck and back. This is a terrific drill for improving upper body mobility and reducing shoulder and neck tension.


Enjoy your workouts!

Author:  Dr. Marco De Ciantis, D.C.

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Summer Fit Tips

Summer Fit Tips


During the summer months, we often turn our attention to the great outdoors with activities, such as golfing, gardening or running.


Being active can help you maintain your flexibility and good posture, build strong bones, and relieve stress. Recreational activities are a great way to enjoy these benefits while having fun. Whether you pick up a garden rake, a golf club or pound the pavement in running shoes, the important thing is to get moving! Remember to keep your back in mind, as you gear up for a fun-filled summer.


Here are 8 tips to keep your back healthy as you exercise and enjoy the great outdoors this summer:


Warm up


Before hitting the links or even the back garden, consider a short activity to warm up first, like going for a short walk. Make sure to do gentle stretches to limber up muscles and joints before lifting, digging or swinging that golf club.


Learn the Proper Technique


Learn the correct technique for your activity, right from the beginning. Poor technique can cause injury to joints and muscles. For example, be sure to kneel, not bend, when planting your garden. For golfers, take professional lessons to rid yourself of bad habits in your golf swing that could hurt your back.


Maximize Your Flexibility


Maintaining good mobility for muscles and joints will contribute to your athletic ability and help prevent injury. Restrictions in muscle and joint function can hamper your technique and lead to strains and sprains. If you are a runner, take the time to stretch out calf and thigh muscles before hitting the road.


Drink Fluids


Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after physical activity. Remember that once you are thirsty, you are already starting to dehydrate. Dehydration affects your energy level and your physical functioning.


Don’t Overdo It


If you have a big day of yard work planned, consider breaking up different activities into smaller chunks to avoid overloading your body. With a return to summer sports, consider a smaller training session first rather than a longer one (i.e. a trip to the driving range before that first round of golf).


Cool Down


Cooling down after any physical activity is just as important as warming up. Take 20 minutes for a brisk walk or a slow jog, and stretch out your muscles and joints before heading for the shower.


Treat Injuries Promptly


If you suffer an injury or experience pain from your summer recreational activities, ice the area to reduce swelling and inflammation, but don’t apply the ice directly to the skin so you avoid a burn!


Have a great summer!

Author:  Dr. Marco De Ciantis, D.C.

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Pregnancy and Pain


Your Whole World is on Your Shoulders

A study in the Journal of Orthopaedics reported that 50-90% of pregnant individuals will likely experience lower back pain. This pain may persist after giving birth if you don’t take action.

Here are some ways to reduce the risk of back and neck pain:

Lighten your load-

Choose a diaper bag that distributes weight evenly across your body to limit the stress of isolated muscles.

Stretch your body-

While your baby is old enough for tummy time, join them on the floor and do some exercises to stretch your neck and back.

Feed comfortably-

When nursing, avoid hunching and keep your baby close to you. Also choose a comfortable, upright chair with a pillow.

Keep your baby close-

Don’t stretch your arms out – bring your baby close to your chest before lifting. Consider wearing your baby on your front so you can alleviate the strain on your back.

Keep tub trouble at bay-

Avoid reaching or twisting when bending over a tub. When kneeling, use a non-slip mat to protect your knees.

Exercises/stretches to help alleviate your back pain at home:

Shoulder opener

Breathing deeply and calmly, relax your stomach muscles. Let your head hang loosely forward and gently roll from side to side. Bring your hands up to your neck and gently massage the back of your head and neck. Drop your arms to your sides, relax your shoulders; slowly roll them backward and forward for 15 seconds.


Standing with feet shoulder width apart, raise your hands. Bring your right elbow across your body while lifting your left knee. Touch elbow to knee, remaining upright and repeat alternating sides for 15 seconds. 

There is no time for back pain in parenthood. Consult a Chiropractor so that you can stay on your toes and a step ahead of your toddler. In Ontario, you don’t need a referral to see a Chiropractor!


Author:  Dr. Marco De Ciantis, D.C.

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De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

“De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis” sounds like a mouthful but this is a relatively common condition that many have experienced before albeit unknowingly. 


First some anatomy!  Tendons are a tissue that connect a muscle to a bone. As a muscle contracts, the tendon pulls on a bone and a limb or joint can subsequently move. In order to ensure a smooth and as frictionless as possible motion of a tendon, the tendon is wrapped in a sheath. When this sheath gets irritated or inflamed, it is referred to as “tenosynovitis”. With tenosynovitis, the tendon sheath may become thickened and swollen which can affect the motion of the tendon within it.


De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis can occur with overuse of the thumb or wrist. The tendon sheaths covering the tendons running from muscles that move the thumb become irritated and inflamed. This can occur with repetitive activities involving overuse of cellphones, with sporting activity or even with household activities. Symptoms generally include pain at the thumb (including its base), swelling, difficulty with using the thumb and/or wrist or a “sticking” sensation with thumb activity. 


The good news is that De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis can be treated non-surgically by conservative methods from Chiropractors and Physiotherapists! If you believe you may be suffering from De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis, visit our website or contact our head office today to book your next appointment today!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.).M.Sc., D.C.

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