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All Posts in Category: Health Basics

Stretch & Skate – Stretches for Hockey Players

Hockey! A great way to get fit and have fun.


  • Invest in equipment, sticks and skates that suit your height and size.
  • Be ‘head smart’ – wear your helmet with the cage, shield or visor properly secured.
  • Sharpen your skates regularly for better performance.
  • Repair or replace damaged or broken equipment.

If you are new to the game, get checked by a health professional such as a chiropractor to make sure it’s an appropriate fitness activity for you. If you are a regular player, routine chiropractic check-ups can help optimize your muscle and joint function and deal with stiffness and soreness before they sideline you.


  • Never stretch a cold muscle. Always warm-up before pre-game stretches.
  • Don’t overstretch – be comfortable.
  • Don’t bounce when stretching.
  • If you experience pain that lasts longer than your usual post-game soreness, ice the area and consult a chiropractor.


Lay on your back and bend one knee towards the ceiling. Hold the back
 of the thigh with both hands and straighten the knee as much as you can by raising your foot towards the ceiling. Hold the stretch for one second, then bend the knee and straighten again. Repeat 20 times on each leg.


Stand with your feet slightly wider apart than your shoulders. Bend your knees. Shift your weight to the right leg. Reach down and across your body with your left hand to touch your right foot. Point your right hand up to the ceiling. Keep your back parallel to the ground. Shift your weight to the left leg. Repeat 10 times on each side.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with your right foot into a lunge position. Your right knee should be directly over the toes of your right foot. Keep your left leg and your back straight. Extend your arms straight in front of you and bring your palms together. Turn your upper torso to the right keeping pelvis and hips stationary. Hold for one second and repeat 10 times on each side.


Stand with your back to a wall or the rink boards. Kneel onto your right knee (use a pad for cushioning) with your right foot flat against a wall. Your left knee should be bent in front of you at a 90 degree angle for support. Place your hand on your left knee for balance and lean back slightly to stretch your right quad muscle. Hold the stretch for ten seconds. Switch legs and do three stretches on each side.


Sit on the ground with one leg slightly bent behind you and one leg slightly bent in front of you. Lower your chest toward your knee keeping your back straight and holding your chin up. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Switch legs and repeat three times on each side.


Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat apart on the floor slightly more than shoulder width apart. Lower your right knee to the floor and place your left ankle on top of it pushing the knee towards the ground. Keep your hips on the floor. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Switch sides.

Source: This post is originally written by the Canadian Chiropractic Association.

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To Stretch or Not to Stretch? That Is the Question

For years there’s been conflicting information given regarding the dangers and benefits of stretching. Is dynamic stretching better than static stretching? Should stretching be done with or without a warm-up? Does stretching prevent injury or encourage it? These are only a few of the many questions being studied right now about stretching.

A recent 2016 systematic review published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism clarifies the IMMEDIATE EFFECTS of stretching on performance. Today we’ll cover the broad strokes of this publication, speaking to the various long standing questions about certain aspects of stretching.

Stretch Duration (Short vs. Long Stretch Durations)

Five studies imposed stretching interventions lasting less than 5 minutes. Of those, 2 studies showed a benefit to stretching, where others showed benefits of stretching with lower injury rates associated with stretching for greater than 5 minutes. Thus, longer (total) duration stretching may have a greater potential to decrease injury risk.

Stretching With vs. Without Warm-Up

Based on the current body of research, it is not possible to comment on the role of stretching with respect to injury prevention when performed with or without warm-up. However, because muscle stretching and warm-ups may have similar effects on muscles elastic (“stretchability”) properties, it is possible that both may influence injury risk.

All-Cause Injury Rate vs. Specific Injury Rates

Six studies specified the effects of stretching on the prevalence of acute muscle injuries. Form these studies, it was possible to compute the relative risk of sustaining an acute muscle injury associated with stretching versus not stretching. Taken together, these studies indicate at 54% risk reduction of acute muscle injuries associated with stretching!

One study also indicated that stretching was associated with a reduction in “bothersome soreness”. However, most research has demonstrated that stretching prior to exercise is ineffective in reducing soreness or other symptoms of muscle damage, with one recent exception showing some benefits of stretching.

Reference: Behm, DG, Blazevich, AJ, Kay AD, and McHugh, M. Acute effects of muscle stretching on physical performance, range of motion, and injury incidence in healthy active individuals: a systematic review. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2016; 41(1): 1-11.

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Walk Your Way Into the New Year!

It’s a brand new year and for many of us this means setting new goals and personal resolutions. Focusing on improving our health and fitness is a common goal. For those looking to lose some weight this new year, to jump into an exercise program or just a desire to get active, walking is a simple and easy place to start. The knowledgeable staff at Sports Specialist Rehab Centre want to inform you why walking can make a real difference in your life this year!

Why Walk:

  1. It’s free.
  2. There’s no equipment necessary.
  3. You can start anytime.

Health Benefits of Walking:

  1. Can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cancer.
  2. Can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.
  3. Can improve your mood and mental sharpness.

Social Benefits of Walking:

  1. It’s a way to connect with your local community, making it stronger: More people in the streets means neighborhood crime rates go down and can improve the local economy.
  2. Meeting new people and connecting with neighbors not usually seen when at home.
  3. Improving family bonds: Walking can promote better communication within a family as a whole and with respect to children, walking can help reduce behavioral problems and improve academic performance.

How to Start:

  1. Make sure you discuss walking with a medical professional first in order to confirm that it’s the right activity for you.
  2. Begin with modest goals. For example, try a 5-10 minute walk for a week or two, then, in the absence of any pain or problems, add 5-10 minutes a week.
  3. When starting a walking program, we recommend that you avoid up hills and down hills at first and unpaved/uneven terrain until you build a routine. This will minimize the risk of injury.
  4. Dress according to weather conditions and avoid walking outside in rainy or icy weather.
  5. Most importantly, have fun!
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Improving the Patient Experience

One of the biggest benefits of operating a clinic with a focus on an integrative approach is having a multi-disciplinary team with a variety of perspectives. Today we share a link to Dr. Evelyn Lock’s blog where she delves into shaping the patient experience. Dr. Lock will be working with  Patients Canada, a patient-led organization that fosters collaboration among patients, family caregivers and the healthcare community to create change with the patient experience. Check out her latest blog post and share your thoughts on the patient experience – your insight could lead to lasting, positive changes.

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