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All Posts in Category: Sports

Myositis Ossificans

Myositis Ossificans!  That’s a mouthful!


“Myositis Ossificans” (MO) sounds like a fictional term but it is by no means a rare condition.  MO, for lack of a better term, is when muscle tissue begins to ossify (i.e. turn to bone) following a traumatic injury.  Generally, a direct, forceful trauma is involved (eg. a hockey player receives a knee-on-thigh injury during a game).  Typically a large, deep muscular group is involved, such as the quadricep or hamstring muscles.  In most cases, one would see a large discoloured area associated with a very significant bruise following the trauma.  Internally, the body will begin to turn muscle to bone at the healing site.  Over time, a “hard” lump can be palpated (as the body lays more and more bone) at the injured area.  The reason why MO occurs is not well understood at this time.  The thought is that following the injury the body gets “confused” and as a result it begins to lay bone at the site of injury.  As more bone is laid down, the function of the muscle may become affected leading to pain as the muscle is used.  This can prevent athletes from returning to sport or even end careers!


In order to minimize the likelihood of developing and/or exacerbating MO, after an acute traumatic event to a muscle, an individual should not return to sport and should ice and immobilize the affected area.  I also recommend immediately booking an appointment with a healthcare provider so that the injury can be thoroughly examined and assessed.  The healthcare provider can determine  if you are at risk of developing MO or if it is in progress.  Also, the healthcare provider can provide advice and offer conservative (i.e. “non-surgical”) interventions to manage the tissue trauma.  However, in serious or not properly managed cases, surgery may be indicated in order to remove the bone from the affected muscle. 


If you think you may be at risk of developing MO, please contact our office to book an assessment with one of our amazing therapists!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Bone Contusion!

A “contusion” is the medical term for a bruise.  Bruises usually occur at the site of an injury where blood vessels have been damaged resulting in leakage of blood from these vessels.  This leakage produces the characteristic discolouration we all associate with bruising. 


A “bone contusion” (i.e. “bone bruise”) is when there is trauma to bone, but not severe enough to result in a fracture.  Bone is wrapped in a thin tissue called “periosteum” (kind of like a “bone skin”).  The periosteum is composed of dense connective tissue and does not cover the articular (i.e. “joint”) surface of bones.  Periosteum is rich in nerve endings (which can result in pain) and blood vessels.  With a significant enough trauma, you can damage the periosteum leading to a bone bruise.  Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, pain (generally more severe and longer lasting than a solely soft tissue injury), swelling, stiffness and possibly discolouration.  Generally speaking, bone contusions will not present on x-ray examination but x-rays  may be required in order to rule out a fracture. The soft tissue surrounding the bone contusion may also be injured in the same traumatic event.  A bone contusion can be present for days, weeks or even months! 


If you think you may have received a bone contusion, don’t waste time to book an appointment with one of our talented therapists who would be able to examine you today!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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I’m suffering from bursitis?  What’s that?!


“Bursa” is not a common word that many of us hear outside of the healthcare community.  However, many of us have suffered from “bursitis” in our lifetime.  


Let’s begin with some anatomy!  Bursa are small fluid filled sacs.  They are strategically placed by the body in areas where tendons make contact to bones.  As such, they are designed to allow for a frictionless gliding movement of tendons on bones during muscle contraction.  This will prevent damage from occurring to a tendon and makes the motion of a joint painless and smooth.  Bursa are placed all over the body and are generally named for the location they are located.  For example, the “subdeltoid bursa” is placed near the shoulder joint in the region of the deltoid muscle.


“Bursitis” occurs when the bursa is inflamed.  When the bursa is inflamed, motion of the tendon (due to muscle contraction) can cause pain with movement of a joint.  What’s worse is that this activity can further irritate the bursa, exacerbating the problem!  The bursa can become inflamed for a variety of different reasons that include, but are not limited to, direct trauma or overuse of the muscle and/or joint. 


The good news is that manual therapists such as Chiropractors and Physiotherapists are trained to treat bursitis!  If you have been diagnosed with a bursitis or suspect that you may be suffering from it, don’t hesitate to contact our office today to book an examination!


Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Sprain vs. Strain!

Is it a sprain or a strain?  What’s the difference?!


I am confident that most of us have been told at one time or another that we have experienced a “sprain” or “strain”.  However, what do these terms really mean?


Quite simply, a “sprain” refers to injury of a ligament (i.e. dense fibrous connective tissue that connects one bone to another bone) while “strain” refers to injury of a tendon (i.e. dense fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone).  Medically, injury to a ligament (“sprain”) or a tendon (“strain”) is classified on a scale of 1 to 3.  Grade 1 or “first degree” refers to minor injury of the ligament or tendon.  Generally, there is little to no actual tissue compromise and, as a result, little bruising, bleeding or swelling but some pain.  Grade 2 or “second degree” sprains or strains result in tearing of the ligament and/or tendon.  As you can imagine, there is generally more pain and some moderate swelling and bruising.  Finally, Grade 3 or a “third degree” injury refers to a complete tear of the ligament and/or tendon.  This generally results in the most pain as well as significant swelling and bruising.  Depending on the area affected, there may also be mechanical compromise of the joint or limb.


Your Chiropractor and Physiotherapist are trained to assess for the presence and degree of ligament and tendinous injury. They can also determine if the severity of your injury may warrant a referral to a medical specialist.  If you think you have a “sprain” or “strain”, don’t hesitate to contact our office to book your next appointment and have one of our therapists assist you today!

Author:  Dr. Paolo De Ciantis, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., D.C.

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Hurt versus Harm

One question I hear from many of our patients at The Sports Specialist Rehab Centre is “Should physical activity be painful?”.  Generally, the answer is “No”.  


Physical activity can be loosely defined as a voluntary activity performed by an individual for a specific purpose that leads to movement and force generated from the body.  This can include exercise, sports or rehab.  The forces generated during physical activity can place stress upon the muscle tissue, joints and supportive tissue.  As such, it is common and sometimes expected that during physical activity, there can be some discomfort (i.e. “hurt”).  For example, if I am playing tennis, I would expect some minimal discomfort in my wrist, elbow and possibly shoulder.  That said, this “hurt” does not necessarily translate to damage of body tissue.  However, if a physical activity is ever painful (i.e. “harm”) while being performed, generally, that is not a good sign.  This may indicate that you are damaging tissue as opposed to just engaging it.  As such, should a physical activity ever become painful, please stop the activity immediately!  The age old adage of “no pain, no gain” is not a fruitful one.  The pain generated while performing an activity could represent significant trauma to an area and could have long term and far reaching implications. 


Everyone’s definition of pain is completely subjective.  So you, the individual, become the best judge at deciding when an activity becomes harmful, and not just a bit hurtful.  If you should have any questions or questions regarding when an activity is hurtful versus. harmful, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our therapists who would be more than happy to explain!


Be active but be safe!


Dr. Paolo De Ciantis

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Heat vs. Ice!

I get this question too many times a day to even count. So, I thought I would spend some time laying out why I might recommend heat for one person and ice for another.

Both heat and ice are helpful tools in pain management. Although there are many theories as to why they work, the research is incomplete and there is still much that is unknown. One main theory for icing, for example, is that the reduction in temperature reduces the conductive ability of your nerve to relay information back and forth, therefore not allowing the ‘alarm signal’ of pain to be expressed as quickly. It is also understood to be helpful for inflammation as blood flow to the area is decreased. Heat, on the other hand, promotes blood flow to the area, which is helpful for healing. Heat activates certain neurotransmitters which blocks the ability for our body to perceive pain.

You have an acute injury (e.g. ankle sprain), within the first 48 hours
Inflammatory conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)
Red, hot, swollen tissue

Acute low back or neck pain
Chronic pain
Muscle stiffness

Make sure the ice is covered or wrapped in a wet cloth, and not against your bare skin to protect from frostbite (I’ve done this before. It’s not fun – I promise!)
Use the 20:20:20 rule – 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, 20 minutes on. This can be repeated several times a day

If you have sensory issues, be careful not to burn your skin
Heat can be applied much longer than ice and there’s really no guideline – just make sure you are awake and aware of the sensations you are feeling so as not to become injured

Having said all that, each person and each body is different; what works for one person might not work for someone else. So, if you love ice and find it’s super helpful for your chronic pain – GO FOR IT!

As with everything, there are precautions and contraindications to all forms of therapy. Make sure you speak with a regulated health care professional to make sure that ice and/or heat is safe for you before using it.

Author: Dr. Allie Dennis

Algafly AA, George KP. The effect of cryotherapy on nerve conduction velocity, pain threshold and pain tolerance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007;41(6):365-369. doi:10.1136/bjsm.2006.031237.
Nadler SF, Weingand K, Kruse RJ. The Physiologic Basis and Clinical Applications of Cryotherapy and Thermotherapy for the Pain Practitioner. Pain Physician. 2004;7:395-9.
Malanga GA, Yan N, Stark J. Mechanisms and efficacy of heat and cold therapies for musculoskeletal injury. Postgraduate Medicine. 2015; Early Online: 1-9.

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Why does my body hurt after a workout?
You know that feeling a day or two after a really tough or new workout? The one where everything just hurts? Well that pain has a name! You might be suffering from something called DOMS (aka Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

What is DOMS?
DOMS is muscle pain that typically begins approximately 12-24 hours after a particularly difficult or new workout. The pain tends to peak between 24-72 hours after the offending exercise routine and can sometimes last up to 1 week!

Why does DOMS happen?
For many years it was believed that a build-up of lactic acid was the cause of this post-workout pain; however, more recently this has been proven untrue. Although there is still some controversy and unknown variables surrounding the exact mechanism of DOMS, the current general consensus is that it is related to the healing of microtears or microscopic damage to your muscle tissues that occur during eccentric contractions. Eccentric contractions are what happen when your muscle is both contracting and lengthening at the same time (for example, when bringing your arm back down in a slow controlled manner during a bicep curl, you are eccentrically contracting your bicep – keeping that contraction while bringing the muscle into a position of length).

How do I make it feel better?
Again, for this, the evidence is conflicting. Mostly, just giving your body some time to heal will help you out. This isn’t to say you should go sit on the couch and wait it out! Out of all of the poor evidence on treatment for DOMS, exercise has been found as one of the most effective methods (MOTION IS LOTION!). Instead of another gruelling workout right off the bat, try some lighter movements like a light jog, some light yoga and stretching for a few days before getting back into it. Things like ice or an Epsom salt bath might help speed things along as well but the evidence is poor on these. Make sure you are always hydrating!

Can I prevent DOMS?
While DOMS may not be entirely prevented unless you just don’t move ever (in that case, you’ll likely end up with worse problems than just some good ol’ DOMS), there are some ways to reduce the severity. When you’re starting a new exercise, make sure you progress slowly into it to give your muscles time to react to their new demands. Some evidence shows a proper warm-up and cool down might also be beneficial in prevention.

What if it isn’t DOMS?
If the pain occurs DURING the workout, if the pain persists beyond 1 week, or it is preventing you from doing your activities of daily living, then it might be something else. Make sure to seek care if things aren’t progressing the way you think they should. Of course, you always need to trust your own body and seek care if something doesn’t feel right.

Author: Dr. Allie Dennis

Cheung K, Hume PA, Maxwell L. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: Treatment Strategies and Performance Factors. Sports Med. 2003; 33 (2): 145-164.
American College of Sports Medicine:

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Dr. Paolo’s Morning Shake

I love to begin each day with a hard workout session! Following that session, I need a high energy, hearty and protein filled shake in order to get may day going! Here is what I found works best for me, try it out if you like:

1. 710 mL (about a pint and a half) of cold water.

2. 1 large banana (or 1 cup of frozen unsweetened mixed berries)

3. 1 tsp of ground unsweetened cocoa pods

4. 1 tsp of ground turmeric

5. 2 cups of ground rolled unsweetened oats

6. 1 tsp of ground cinnamon

7. 2 tbsp of ground flax seed

8. 1 avocado

9. 1/2 scoop of whey protein isolate (I prefer chocolate or vanilla flavoured)


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Join Marco at APHA Expo!

Dear Colleagues,

Join me at the American Public Health Association’s 2019 Annual Meeting & Expo where the scientific research I co-authored will be presented. The APHA Annual Meeting is the premier public health event taking place Nov. 2-6 in Philadelphia, PA. With more than 1,000 cutting edge scientific sessions, 600 booths of information and state-of-the-art public health products and services, this is an extremely important meeting in the public health field.

My submission, titled “Application and effectiveness of educational programming in musculoskeletal evaluation and management led by chiropractors in a rural Ugandan population” is scheduled to be presented at session , “Public health & chiropractic “, at . View the session online for more details. 

For general information about APHA2019 or to find out about other sessions and presentations visit the Annual Meeting home page.

I hope you can attend my presentation and join the public health community and APHA in exploring the latest public health practices and challenges.


Marco De Ciantis

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Sports Rehab TO joins forces with Inspira Athletica

We have recently be privileged to meet Chas and Anne owners and operators of Inspira Athletica!

We were impressed and humbled by the care and dedication Chas , Anne and and the  team demonstrate to all clients at Inspira! The  team have a rare and unique ability to listen to clients and develop personalized, goal orientated programs that are for the unique client that you are.   It is truly inspiring to see such a caring and knowlegable group of personal trainers and therapists dedicated to the health and well being of others!
Should you require personal training services, please visit and/or contact Inspira Atheltica located at 3291-3293 Yonge St., Toronto, ON, M4N 2L8,
Call 647-238-3094 (Chas) or 416-201-1348 (Anne)

Email :
Instagram:   @inspiraathletica

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